History of the Mobile Christian-Jewish Dialogue
Document Archive

Mary and Paul Filben collected and preserved the documents of the Dialogue in three albums by.
They are presented here in the order in which they appear in the albums,
which are designated by the prefixes A, B, and C.
The albums are kept in the Alabama Gulf Coast Holocaust Library in the Ahavas Chesed Synagogue.
The documents with the prefix D were not included in the three albums.

A_0001: Letter from Norma Conrad and Isabel Siegal
A_0002: Jewish & Catholic participants
A_0003: Program anouncement for 30 Sep 1975
A_0004: Poem by Tali Sorek, 13
A_0005: Letter from Rabbi Balfour Brickner, 5 Nov 1975
A_0006: Letter from Paul Filben to Kurt Waldheim, 17 Nov 1975
A_0007: Letter from Mary Filben and Norma Conrad, 31 Mar 1976
A_0008: Letter from Nancy Brown and Mary Filben, 17 Oct 1976
A_0009: Newpaper editorial on Religious Pluralism
A_0010: Worship service, 16 May 1976
A_0011: Newspaper article by Bishop John L. May, 22 April 1977
A_0012: Catholic Week article, October 14, 1977
A_0013: 1977-1978 Schedule
A_0014: Letter from Isabel Siegel and Mary Filben
A_0015: Newspaper article on Jewish Holidays tour
A_0016: Catholic Week article on Pawlikowski talk, 25 Nov 1977
A_0017: Newspaper picture and caption of Pawlikowski talk, 26 Nov 1977
A_0018: Newspaper picture and caption of Rabbis Jacobs and Culter
A_0019: Newspaper article on dialogue event
A_0020: Newspaper article on upcoming dialogue event
A_0021: Newspaper article on Petuchowski talk
A_0022: The Rabbi's Corner, Jan 1978
A_0023: Newspaper item on Filbens
A_0024: Newspaper article, 14 Jan 1978
A_0025: Mobile Register article on Bretthauer talk, 28 Jan 1978
A_0026: Catholic Week article on Bretthauer talk, 27 Jan 1978
A_0027: Newspaper article on Jacobs talk, 25 Feb 1978
A_0028: Newspaper article on Littell talk, 14 Apr 1978
A_0029: Newspaper article on Littell talk, 15 April 1978
A_0030: Newspaper article on Holocaust resolution
A_0031: Holocaust resolution
A_0032: Temple letter, 9 May 1978
A_0033: Newspaper article on Petuchowski talk, 6 May 1978
A_0034: Newspaper article on Petuchowski talk, 13 May 1978
A_0035: Guidelines for discussion
A_0036: Newspaper article on Foley talk, 29 Sep 1978
A_0037: Foley Guidelines for dialogue etiquette, Sep 1978
A_0038: Newspaper article on Foley talk, Sep 1978
A_0039: Mass at Holy Family, 24 Sep 1978
A_0040: 1978-1979 schedule, 12 Aug 1978
A_0041: Dialogue letter, 1 Nov 1978
A_0042: the hands that reach will touch
A_0043: Press Register picture of Filbens & Siegal
A_0044: Rabbi Jacobs: On Being a Christian
A_0045: Press Registerarticle Rousseau talk, Nov 1978
A_0046: Press Register article on Filbens at national meeting
A_0047: Newspaper article on Culter talk, Jan 1979
A_0048: Newspaper article on Culter talk, Jan 1979
A_0049: Newspaper article on Cook talk, 17 Mar 1979
A_0050: Newspaper article on Cook talk, Mar 1979
A_0051: Newspaper article on Cook talk, Mar 1979
A_0052: Yom HaShoah, 25 April 1979
A_0053: Press Register article on proclaiming remembrance days, Apr 1979
A_0054: Congressional resolution on remembrance days, 18 Sep 1978
A_0055: Press Register article on Biven talk, Apr 1979
A_0056: Press Register article on dialogue, summer 1979
A_0057: 1979-1980 dialogue schedule
A_0058: Program, 11 Sep 1979
A_0059: Press Register article on Shomron & Thering talks, 27 Oct 1979
A_0060: Press Register article on Licari talk, Nov 1979
A_0061: Invitation to Chanukah-Christmas party
A_0062: Press Register article: Jews, Methodists to worship jointly
A_0063: Press Register article on Fisher & Weiler talks, 19 Jan 1980
A_0064: Press Register article on Chalmers talk, 23 Feb 1980
A_0065: Press Register article on Saperstein talk, 3 Apr 1980
A_0066: Press Register article on Filbens at national workshops
A_0067: Press Register article on Institute of Clergy talks, 1980
A_0068: Announcement of study groups, Feb 1980
A_0069: Press Register picture & caption, Rabbi Cutler, spring 1980
A_0070: Press Register articles, All Saints Episcopal, spring 1980
A_0071: Newspaper picture & caption, Rev. Wall, spring 1980
A_0072: Press Register articles, Ashland Place United Methodist, spring 1980
A_0073: Ahavas Chesed tribute to Bishop May, 20 March 1980
A_0074: Newspaper article on Ahavas Chesed tribute to Bishop May
A_0075: Newspaper pictures of ecumenical leaders
A_0076: Newspaper article on Rabbi Cutler
A_0077: Newspaper article on Rabbi Culter, 22 Aug 1980
A_0078: Mayor's proclamation of Days of Remembrance, 17 Mar 1980
B_0079: Press Register article on awards, 21 Nov 1980
B_0080: Press Register article on Fisher and Weiler talks
B_0081: Newspaper cartoon
B_0082: 1980-1981 program schedule
B_0083: Press Register article on Flannery Talk, 1 Nov 1980
B_0084: Press Register article on Polish talk
B_0085: Catholic Week article on Polish talk
B_0086: Anouncement of Chanukah-Christmas party, 13 Dec 1980
B_0087: Press Register article on Van Buren talk, 17 Jan 1981
B_0088: Press Register article on Gerstein talk, 7 Mar 1981
B_0089: Press Register article on Cohen talks, 18 Apr 1981
B_0090: Newspaper editorial on Cohen talk
B_0091: Announcement of Gillen talk, March 1981
B_0092: Newspaper article on Gillen talk, 21 Mar 1981
B_0093: Catholic Week article on Gillen talk, March 1981
B_0094: Newspaper article on Filbens & Seder, 4 Apr 1982
B_0095: Program for Tannenbaum talk, 14 April 1981
B_0096: Press Register article on Tannenbaum talk, April 1981
B_0097: Rabbi Rudin article on Tannenbaum
B_0098: Press Register article on ecumenical Passover service, 3 May 1981
B_0099: Press Register article on Purim, 15 March 1981
B_0100: Press Register article on Lipscomb talk at Lutheran service, 25 Oct 1980
B_0101: Press Register article on Lipscomb talk at Lutheran service, 31 Oct 1980
B_0102: 1981-1982 lecture series brochure
B_0103: Holocaust remembrance service, 15 Sep 1981
B_0104: Press Register article on Pawlikowski talk, October 1981
B_0105: Press Register article on Ware talk, January 1982
B_0106: Press Register article on Campbell talk, January 1982
B_0107: Press Register article on Higgins talk, March 1982
B_0108: Press Register article on Rivkin talk on Jesus, April 1982
B_0109: Press Register article on Rivkin talk on Pharisees, 19 June 1982
B_0110: National Catholic Reporter article
B_0111: Press Register article on antisemitism, 13 Dec 1980
B_0112: Birmingham article on antisemitism, 1 Jan 1981
B_0113: Filbens' letter to editor
B_0114: Goodloe note on letter to editor
B_0115: Press Register article on peace march
B_0116: Archbishop Lipscomb editorial
B_0117: 1982-1983 Calendar of Events
B_0118: Press Register article on Filbens in Middle East, 15 Aug 1982
B_0119: Newspaper pictures of Filbens
B_0120: Press Register article on Filbens & PLO
B_0121: Press Register article on Kahalley talk, 23 Sep 1982
B_0122: Press Register article on Duffy talk, 23 Oct 1982
B_0123: Press Register article on Stassen talk, 27 N0v 1982
B_0124: Press Register article on Lipscomb interview
B_0125: Press Register picture of Archbishop Lipscomb
B_0126: Press Register article on Christians and Jews in 1982
B_0127: Press Register article on Lipscomb talk, 29 Jan 1983
B_0128: Press Register article on Jacobs talk, 26 Mar 1983
B_0129: Press Register article on Yom HaShoah service, 16 Apr 1983
B_0130: Press Register article on Weisberg talk, 23 April 1983
B_0131: Press Register article on Filbens, 28 May 1983
B_0132: 1983-1984 Calendar of Events
B_0133: Press Register article on Harter talk, 29 Oct 1983
B_0134: Press Register article on Thanksgiving service, D'Aunay & Lambert talks, 26 Nov 1983
B_0135: Press Register article on Miller talk, 4 Feb 1984
B_0136: Press Register at Miller talk
B_0137: Press Register article on Eytan talk, 29 Nov 1983
B_0138: Press Register article on Israeli Consul Arbel
B_0139: Press Register article on Kemon talk, 10 Mar 1984
B_0140: Catholic Week article on Kemon talk
C_0141: Press Register article on Signer talk, 31 Mar 1984
C_0142: Newspaper article on Perkins talk, 2 Jun 1984
C_0143: Newspaper article on Gordon talk
C_0144: Columbus Enquirer article on Yom HaShoah, 1 May 1984
C_0145: Letter from Columbus Rabbi Eisenberg
C_0146: Press Register article on Cargas talk, 12 May 1984
C_0147: Press Register article on Signer talk, 19 May 1984
C_0148: Invitation to Seder at the Synagogue, March 1984
C_0149: Newspaper article on Turner and Gerstein articles on Easter & Passover, 18-19 April 1984
C_0150: Turner article on Easter, 18-19 April 1984
C_0151: Gerstein article on Passover, 18-19 April 1984
C_0152: Newspaper article on Spring Hill Ave. Temple, 19 April 1984
C_0153: Newspaper article in Hebrew
C_0154: B'Nai B'Rith District Seven letter on award to Filbens & Siegal, 8 May 1984
C_0155: Photo of Paul Filben at award ceremony
C_0156: Photo of mayor Mims, Filbens, Siegal
C_0157: Photo of Isabel Siegal at award ceremony
C_0158: Photo of Mary Filben at award ceremony
C_0159: Photo of mayor Mims holding award
C_0160: Photo of Mayor, Filbens, Siegal, award
C_0161: Report on Mobile dialogue in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Winter 1984
C_0162: Newspaper photos of Filbens & Friedman
C_0163: Newspaper article on 10 years of dialogue, 27 August 1984
C_0164: Invitation to "Heritage" pre-screening, August 1984
C_0165: Newspaper article on panel discussion of film: Kennedy, Gilmore, Gerstein, Silverman, Duvall, Paper, 15 Sep 1984
C_0166: Letter from dialogue, 10 Sep 1984
C_0167: 1985-1986 Lecture Series
C_0168: Newspaper article on Culbertson talk, 22 Nov 1985
C_0169: Program for tree planting ceremony, 10 Oct 1985
C_0170: Program for "Rhythms of Jewish Life," 5 Dec 1985
C_0171: Newspaper article on "The Seasons of Our Lives"
C_0172: Program for Thanksgiving Sabbath service, 29 Nov 1985
C_0173: Newspaper article on tree planting, 11 Oct 1985
C_0174: Letter anouncing Berger talk, October 1986
C_0175: Letter anouncing Fisher talk, January 1986
C_0176: Letter anouncing Allison talk, April 1986
C_0177: Letter anouncing Yom HaShoah service, May 1986
C_0178: Letter from Filbens on synagogue attack in Istanbul
C_0179: Letter anouncing Finkel talk, February 1987
C_0180: Press Register article on Memorial Garden tree dedication, July 28, 1987
C_0181: Catholic Week article on Memorial Garden tree dedication, July 31, 1987
C_0182: Letter anouncing Clark talk, November 1987
C_0183: Catholic Week article on Cohen talk, 18 Dec 1987
C_0184: Program for tree planting ceremony, 19 Nov 1990
C_0185: Photo of tree planting ceremony
C_0186: Photo of tree planting plaque
C_0187: Dialogue schedule for 1995-1996
C_0188: Newspaper column by Filbens, 8 July 1995
C_0189: Newspaper article on Yom HaShoah
C_0190: Letter anouncing Carmody & Silberman talks, October 1995
C_0191: Announcement of Stendahl talk, December 1995
C_0192: Newspaper picture & caption, Stendahl talk
C_0193: Program of "An Evening of Jewish Literature," 5 May 1992
C_0194: 1992-1993 schedule of events
C_0195: Newspaper article on Grollman talk
C_0196: Letter anouncing Cook talks, 27 February 1996
C_0197: Catholic Week article on Cook talks, 29 March 1996
C_0198: Letter anouncing Fleischner talk, 27 March 1996
C_0199: Letter anouncing Fall program, 11 October 1996
C_0200: Catholic Week article on Jerusalem, 6 December 1996
C_0201: Letter anouncing Williamson talk, 13 December 1996
C_0202: Newspaper article on dialogue, 11 January 1997
C_0203: Letter anouncing "I Never Saw Another Butterfly," 6 April 1997
C_0204: Anouncement of Kushner talk, 3 Mar 1998
C_0205: Newspaper article on Kushner
C_0206: Newspaper article on Kushner talk, 28 February 1998
C_0207: Catholic Week article on Kushner talk, 13 March 1998
C_0208: Letter from Filbens on Religion & Science series, 16 March 1997
C_0209 Schedule of Religion & Science series, April-May 1997
C_0210: 1993-1994 Schedule of events
C_0211: "And the Angels Sing," 12 May 1994
C_0212: Letter from Filbens, 24 September 1997
C_0213: Letter anouncing Levine talk, 8 Oct 1998
C_0214: Letter anouncing Schaalman talk, 3 December 1998
C_0215: Catholic Week article on Godin talk, 27 March 1998
C_0216: Christian Jewish Dialogue Dinner, 19 September 2000
C_0217: Yom HaShoah, 29 April 1992
C_0218: Invitation to Fisher talk, 5 October 1999
C_0219: Invitation to Heschel talk, 16 March 2000
C_0220: Invitation to Kronish talk, 6 April 2000
C_0221: Newspaper article on Kronish talk, 1 April 2000
C_0222: Yom HaShoah, 1 May 2000
D_0223: Dessert and Dialogue groups, 1975
D_0224: Checklist of Participants' Responsibilities in Group Discussion
D_0225: Points to be made before the group begins to share
D_0226: Catholic Week article on Filben trip to Lebanon
D_0227: Press Register article on Filben attendance at Boston meeting
D_0228: Birmingham Post-Herald article on Filbens and Mobile Dialogue
D_0229: 1986-1987 Schedule of Events
D_0230: 1987-1988 Schedule of Events
D_0231: 1988-1989 Schedule of Events
D_0232: 1989-1990 Schedule of Events
D_0233: 1990-1991 Schedule of Events
D_0234: 1997 Yom HaShoah program
D_0235: Letter from the Filbens, 24 September 1997
D_0236: Dialogue Begins Its 23rd Year
D_0237: Great Religions in a Pluralistic Society
D_0238: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 2, January 1998
D_0239: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 3, April 1998
D_0240: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 4, July 1998
D_0241: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 2, Issue 2, March 1999
D_0242: Flyer "A Celebration of Dialogue: Twenty-Five Years!"
D_0243: Mobile Register editorial on Yom HaShoah, 2 May 2000
D_0244: Catholic Week article on 25 years, 22 September 2000
D_0245: Catholic Week article on 25th Anniversary Dinner, 29 September 2000
D_0246: Deep South Jewish Voice article on 25 years, October/November 2000
D_0247: Catholic Week article on Darring talk, 3 November 2000
D_0248: Photo of Darring speaking at synagogue, October 2000
D_0249: Catholic Week article on Boys talk, 23 March 2001
D_0250: Flyer announcing Cunningham talk, January 2002
D_0251: Catholic Week article on Cunningham talk, January 18, 2002
D_0252: Mobile Register article on upcoming Yom HaShoah service, April 5, 2002
D_0253: Proclamation of Day of Remembrance by Governor Siegelman, March 29, 2002
D_0254: Picture of Filbens with Governor Siegelman, April 2002
D_0255: Catholic Week article on talk by Holocaust survivor Felicia Fuksman, November 22, 2002
D_0256: Mobile Register article on Zapruder, November 30, 2002
D_0257: Catholic Week article on Zapruder talk, December 13, 2002
D_0258: Calendar of Activities, December 2003 to April 2004
D_0259: Catholic Week article on van Pelt talk, December 19, 2003
D_0260: Catholic Week article on Mason talk, April 2, 2004
D_0261: Announcement of Yom HaShoah, 2004
D_0262: Catholic Week article on Yom HaShoah, April 30, 2004
D_0263: Flyer announcing Evans talk, October 13, 2004
D_0264: Flyer announcing Fowler talk, February 2005
D_0265: Catholic Week article on Bonhoeffer dramatization, April 29, 2005
D_0266: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, May 4, 2005
D_0267: Catholic Week article on Fowler talk, March 11, 2005
D_0268: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, April 24, 2006
D_0269: 2006-2007 Program
D_0270: Catholic Week article on Berry talk, September 22, 2006
D_0271: Flyer announcing "Sr. Rose's Passion," October 2006
D_0272: Mission Statement, approved April 2006
D_0273: Flyer announcing the Pettit talk, January 11, 2007
D_0274: Flyer announcing the Mutchnick talk, February 26, 2007
D_0275: Catholic Week article on Mutchnick talk, March 16, 2007
D_0276: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, March 30, 2007
D_0277: Catholic Week article on Yom HaShoah, May 11, 2007
D_0278: Flyer announcing Fredriksen talk, October 2, 2007
D_0279: Catholic Week article on Switzer talk, October 5, 2007
D_0280: Flyer announcing the Darring-Voit presentation, September 2008
D_0281: Picture of Sr. Anne Brady, Barbara Wind, and Don Berry
D_0282: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, May 1, 2008
D_0283: Flyer announcing Fisher Talk, March 11, 2008
D_0284: Program for the 70th Anniversary Commemoration of Kristallnacht, November 9, 2008
D_0285: Spring 2009 Program
D_0286: Flyer announcing panel discussion on economic crisis, May 14, 2009
D_0287: Calendar of Events, 2009-2010
D_0288: Calendar of Events, 2011
D_0289: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, May 1, 2011
D_0290: Flyer announcing one-man play, Shylock, May 12, 2011
D_0291: Flyer announcing Darring talk, May 26, 2011
D_0292: Darring talk, "Holocaust Flashpoints in Christian-Jewish Dialogue," May 26, 2011