A_0001: Letter from Norma Conrad and Isabel Siegal
A_0002: Jewish & Catholic participants
A_0003: Program anouncement for 30 Sep 1975
A_0004: Poem by Tali Sorek, 13
A_0005: Letter from Rabbi Balfour Brickner, 5 Nov 1975
A_0006: Letter from Paul Filben to Kurt Waldheim, 17 Nov 1975
A_0007: Letter from Mary Filben and Norma Conrad, 31 Mar 1976
A_0008: Letter from Nancy Brown and Mary Filben, 17 Oct 1976
A_0009: Newpaper editorial on Religious Pluralism
A_0010: Worship service, 16 May 1976
A_0011: Newspaper article by Bishop John L. May, 22 April 1977
A_0012: Catholic Week article, October 14, 1977
A_0013: 1977-1978 Schedule
A_0014: Letter from Isabel Siegel and Mary Filben
A_0015: Newspaper article on Jewish Holidays tour
A_0016: Catholic Week article on Pawlikowski talk, 25 Nov 1977
A_0017: Newspaper picture and caption of Pawlikowski talk, 26 Nov 1977
A_0018: Newspaper picture and caption of Rabbis Jacobs and Culter
A_0019: Newspaper article on dialogue event
A_0020: Newspaper article on upcoming dialogue event
A_0021: Newspaper article on Petuchowski talk
A_0022: The Rabbi's Corner, Jan 1978
A_0023: Newspaper item on Filbens
A_0024: Newspaper article, 14 Jan 1978
A_0025: Mobile Register article on Bretthauer talk, 28 Jan 1978
A_0026: Catholic Week article on Bretthauer talk, 27 Jan 1978
A_0027: Newspaper article on Jacobs talk, 25 Feb 1978
A_0028: Newspaper article on Littell talk, 14 Apr 1978
A_0029: Newspaper article on Littell talk, 15 April 1978
A_0030: Newspaper article on Holocaust resolution
A_0031: Holocaust resolution
A_0032: Temple letter, 9 May 1978
A_0033: Newspaper article on Petuchowski talk, 6 May 1978
A_0034: Newspaper article on Petuchowski talk, 13 May 1978
A_0035: Guidelines for discussion
A_0036: Newspaper article on Foley talk, 29 Sep 1978
A_0037: Foley Guidelines for dialogue etiquette, Sep 1978
A_0038: Newspaper article on Foley talk, Sep 1978
A_0039: Mass at Holy Family, 24 Sep 1978
A_0040: 1978-1979 schedule, 12 Aug 1978
A_0041: Dialogue letter, 1 Nov 1978
A_0042: the hands that reach will touch
A_0043: Press Register picture of Filbens & Siegal
A_0044: Rabbi Jacobs: On Being a Christian
A_0045: Press Registerarticle Rousseau talk, Nov 1978
A_0046: Press Register article on Filbens at national meeting
A_0047: Newspaper article on Culter talk, Jan 1979
A_0048: Newspaper article on Culter talk, Jan 1979
A_0049: Newspaper article on Cook talk, 17 Mar 1979
A_0050: Newspaper article on Cook talk, Mar 1979
A_0051: Newspaper article on Cook talk, Mar 1979
A_0052: Yom HaShoah, 25 April 1979
A_0053: Press Register article on proclaiming remembrance days, Apr 1979
A_0054: Congressional resolution on remembrance days, 18 Sep 1978
A_0055: Press Register article on Biven talk, Apr 1979
A_0056: Press Register article on dialogue, summer 1979
A_0057: 1979-1980 dialogue schedule
A_0058: Program, 11 Sep 1979
A_0059: Press Register article on Shomron & Thering talks, 27 Oct 1979
A_0060: Press Register article on Licari talk, Nov 1979
A_0061: Invitation to Chanukah-Christmas party
A_0062: Press Register article: Jews, Methodists to worship jointly
A_0063: Press Register article on Fisher & Weiler talks, 19 Jan 1980
A_0064: Press Register article on Chalmers talk, 23 Feb 1980
A_0065: Press Register article on Saperstein talk, 3 Apr 1980
A_0066: Press Register article on Filbens at national workshops
A_0067: Press Register article on Institute of Clergy talks, 1980
A_0068: Announcement of study groups, Feb 1980
A_0069: Press Register picture & caption, Rabbi Cutler, spring 1980
A_0070: Press Register articles, All Saints Episcopal, spring 1980
A_0071: Newspaper picture & caption, Rev. Wall, spring 1980
A_0072: Press Register articles, Ashland Place United Methodist, spring 1980
A_0073: Ahavas Chesed tribute to Bishop May, 20 March 1980
A_0074: Newspaper article on Ahavas Chesed tribute to Bishop May
A_0075: Newspaper pictures of ecumenical leaders
A_0076: Newspaper article on Rabbi Cutler
A_0077: Newspaper article on Rabbi Culter, 22 Aug 1980
A_0078: Mayor's proclamation of Days of Remembrance, 17 Mar 1980
B_0079: Press Register article on awards, 21 Nov 1980
B_0080: Press Register article on Fisher and Weiler talks
B_0081: Newspaper cartoon
B_0082: 1980-1981 program schedule
B_0083: Press Register article on Flannery Talk, 1 Nov 1980
B_0084: Press Register article on Polish talk
B_0085: Catholic Week article on Polish talk
B_0086: Anouncement of Chanukah-Christmas party, 13 Dec 1980
B_0087: Press Register article on Van Buren talk, 17 Jan 1981
B_0088: Press Register article on Gerstein talk, 7 Mar 1981
B_0089: Press Register article on Cohen talks, 18 Apr 1981
B_0090: Newspaper editorial on Cohen talk
B_0091: Announcement of Gillen talk, March 1981
B_0092: Newspaper article on Gillen talk, 21 Mar 1981
B_0093: Catholic Week article on Gillen talk, March 1981
B_0094: Newspaper article on Filbens & Seder, 4 Apr 1982
B_0095: Program for Tannenbaum talk, 14 April 1981
B_0096: Press Register article on Tannenbaum talk, April 1981
B_0097: Rabbi Rudin article on Tannenbaum
B_0098: Press Register article on ecumenical Passover service, 3 May 1981
B_0099: Press Register article on Purim, 15 March 1981
B_0100: Press Register article on Lipscomb talk at Lutheran service, 25 Oct 1980
B_0101: Press Register article on Lipscomb talk at Lutheran service, 31 Oct 1980
B_0102: 1981-1982 lecture series brochure
B_0103: Holocaust remembrance service, 15 Sep 1981
B_0104: Press Register article on Pawlikowski talk, October 1981
B_0105: Press Register article on Ware talk, January 1982
B_0106: Press Register article on Campbell talk, January 1982
B_0107: Press Register article on Higgins talk, March 1982
B_0108: Press Register article on Rivkin talk on Jesus, April 1982
B_0109: Press Register article on Rivkin talk on Pharisees, 19 June 1982
B_0110: National Catholic Reporter article
B_0111: Press Register article on antisemitism, 13 Dec 1980
B_0112: Birmingham article on antisemitism, 1 Jan 1981
B_0113: Filbens' letter to editor
B_0114: Goodloe note on letter to editor
B_0115: Press Register article on peace march
B_0116: Archbishop Lipscomb editorial
B_0117: 1982-1983 Calendar of Events
B_0118: Press Register article on Filbens in Middle East, 15 Aug 1982
B_0119: Newspaper pictures of Filbens
B_0120: Press Register article on Filbens & PLO
B_0121: Press Register article on Kahalley talk, 23 Sep 1982
B_0122: Press Register article on Duffy talk, 23 Oct 1982
B_0123: Press Register article on Stassen talk, 27 N0v 1982
B_0124: Press Register article on Lipscomb interview
B_0125: Press Register picture of Archbishop Lipscomb
B_0126: Press Register article on Christians and Jews in 1982
B_0127: Press Register article on Lipscomb talk, 29 Jan 1983
B_0128: Press Register article on Jacobs talk, 26 Mar 1983
B_0129: Press Register article on Yom HaShoah service, 16 Apr 1983
B_0130: Press Register article on Weisberg talk, 23 April 1983
B_0131: Press Register article on Filbens, 28 May 1983
B_0132: 1983-1984 Calendar of Events
B_0133: Press Register article on Harter talk, 29 Oct 1983
B_0134: Press Register article on Thanksgiving service, D'Aunay & Lambert talks, 26 Nov 1983
B_0135: Press Register article on Miller talk, 4 Feb 1984
B_0136: Press Register at Miller talk
B_0137: Press Register article on Eytan talk, 29 Nov 1983
B_0138: Press Register article on Israeli Consul Arbel
B_0139: Press Register article on Kemon talk, 10 Mar 1984
B_0140: Catholic Week article on Kemon talk
C_0141: Press Register article on Signer talk, 31 Mar 1984
C_0142: Newspaper article on Perkins talk, 2 Jun 1984
C_0143: Newspaper article on Gordon talk
C_0144: Columbus Enquirer article on Yom HaShoah, 1 May 1984
C_0145: Letter from Columbus Rabbi Eisenberg
C_0146: Press Register article on Cargas talk, 12 May 1984
C_0147: Press Register article on Signer talk, 19 May 1984
C_0148: Invitation to Seder at the Synagogue, March 1984
C_0149: Newspaper article on Turner and Gerstein articles on Easter & Passover, 18-19 April 1984
C_0150: Turner article on Easter, 18-19 April 1984
C_0151: Gerstein article on Passover, 18-19 April 1984
C_0152: Newspaper article on Spring Hill Ave. Temple, 19 April 1984
C_0153: Newspaper article in Hebrew
C_0154: B'Nai B'Rith District Seven letter on award to Filbens & Siegal, 8 May 1984
C_0155: Photo of Paul Filben at award ceremony
C_0156: Photo of mayor Mims, Filbens, Siegal
C_0157: Photo of Isabel Siegal at award ceremony
C_0158: Photo of Mary Filben at award ceremony
C_0159: Photo of mayor Mims holding award
C_0160: Photo of Mayor, Filbens, Siegal, award
C_0161: Report on Mobile dialogue in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Winter 1984
C_0162: Newspaper photos of Filbens & Friedman
C_0163: Newspaper article on 10 years of dialogue, 27 August 1984
C_0164: Invitation to "Heritage" pre-screening, August 1984
C_0165: Newspaper article on panel discussion of film: Kennedy, Gilmore, Gerstein, Silverman, Duvall, Paper, 15 Sep 1984
C_0166: Letter from dialogue, 10 Sep 1984
C_0167: 1985-1986 Lecture Series
C_0168: Newspaper article on Culbertson talk, 22 Nov 1985
C_0169: Program for tree planting ceremony, 10 Oct 1985
C_0170: Program for "Rhythms of Jewish Life," 5 Dec 1985
C_0171: Newspaper article on "The Seasons of Our Lives"
C_0172: Program for Thanksgiving Sabbath service, 29 Nov 1985
C_0173: Newspaper article on tree planting, 11 Oct 1985
C_0174: Letter anouncing Berger talk, October 1986
C_0175: Letter anouncing Fisher talk, January 1986
C_0176: Letter anouncing Allison talk, April 1986
C_0177: Letter anouncing Yom HaShoah service, May 1986
C_0178: Letter from Filbens on synagogue attack in Istanbul
C_0179: Letter anouncing Finkel talk, February 1987
C_0180: Press Register article on Memorial Garden tree dedication, July 28, 1987
C_0181: Catholic Week article on Memorial Garden tree dedication, July 31, 1987
C_0182: Letter anouncing Clark talk, November 1987
C_0183: Catholic Week article on Cohen talk, 18 Dec 1987
C_0184: Program for tree planting ceremony, 19 Nov 1990
C_0185: Photo of tree planting ceremony
C_0186: Photo of tree planting plaque
C_0187: Dialogue schedule for 1995-1996
C_0188: Newspaper column by Filbens, 8 July 1995
C_0189: Newspaper article on Yom HaShoah
C_0190: Letter anouncing Carmody & Silberman talks, October 1995
C_0191: Announcement of Stendahl talk, December 1995
C_0192: Newspaper picture & caption, Stendahl talk
C_0193: Program of "An Evening of Jewish Literature," 5 May 1992
C_0194: 1992-1993 schedule of events
C_0195: Newspaper article on Grollman talk
C_0196: Letter anouncing Cook talks, 27 February 1996
C_0197: Catholic Week article on Cook talks, 29 March 1996
C_0198: Letter anouncing Fleischner talk, 27 March 1996
C_0199: Letter anouncing Fall program, 11 October 1996
C_0200: Catholic Week article on Jerusalem, 6 December 1996
C_0201: Letter anouncing Williamson talk, 13 December 1996
C_0202: Newspaper article on dialogue, 11 January 1997
C_0203: Letter anouncing "I Never Saw Another Butterfly," 6 April 1997
C_0204: Anouncement of Kushner talk, 3 Mar 1998
C_0205: Newspaper article on Kushner
C_0206: Newspaper article on Kushner talk, 28 February 1998
C_0207: Catholic Week article on Kushner talk, 13 March 1998
C_0208: Letter from Filbens on Religion & Science series, 16 March 1997
C_0209 Schedule of Religion & Science series, April-May 1997
C_0210: 1993-1994 Schedule of events
C_0211: "And the Angels Sing," 12 May 1994
C_0212: Letter from Filbens, 24 September 1997
C_0213: Letter anouncing Levine talk, 8 Oct 1998
C_0214: Letter anouncing Schaalman talk, 3 December 1998
C_0215: Catholic Week article on Godin talk, 27 March 1998
C_0216: Christian Jewish Dialogue Dinner, 19 September 2000
C_0217: Yom HaShoah, 29 April 1992
C_0218: Invitation to Fisher talk, 5 October 1999
C_0219: Invitation to Heschel talk, 16 March 2000
C_0220: Invitation to Kronish talk, 6 April 2000
C_0221: Newspaper article on Kronish talk, 1 April 2000
C_0222: Yom HaShoah, 1 May 2000
D_0223: Dessert and Dialogue groups, 1975
D_0224: Checklist of Participants' Responsibilities in Group Discussion
D_0225: Points to be made before the group begins to share
D_0226: Catholic Week article on Filben trip to Lebanon
D_0227: Press Register article on Filben attendance at Boston meeting
D_0228: Birmingham Post-Herald article on Filbens and Mobile Dialogue
D_0229: 1986-1987 Schedule of Events
D_0230: 1987-1988 Schedule of Events
D_0231: 1988-1989 Schedule of Events
D_0232: 1989-1990 Schedule of Events
D_0233: 1990-1991 Schedule of Events
D_0234: 1997 Yom HaShoah program
D_0235: Letter from the Filbens, 24 September 1997
D_0236: Dialogue Begins Its 23rd Year
D_0237: Great Religions in a Pluralistic Society
D_0238: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 2, January 1998
D_0239: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 3, April 1998
D_0240: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 4, July 1998
D_0241: Dialogue Newsletter, Vol. 2, Issue 2, March 1999
D_0242: Flyer "A Celebration of Dialogue: Twenty-Five Years!"
D_0243: Mobile Register editorial on Yom HaShoah, 2 May 2000
D_0244: Catholic Week article on 25 years, 22 September 2000
D_0245: Catholic Week article on 25th Anniversary Dinner, 29 September 2000
D_0246: Deep South Jewish Voice article on 25 years, October/November 2000
D_0247: Catholic Week article on Darring talk, 3 November 2000
D_0248: Photo of Darring speaking at synagogue, October 2000
D_0249: Catholic Week article on Boys talk, 23 March 2001
D_0250: Flyer announcing Cunningham talk, January 2002
D_0251: Catholic Week article on Cunningham talk, January 18, 2002
D_0252: Mobile Register article on upcoming Yom HaShoah service, April 5, 2002
D_0253: Proclamation of Day of Remembrance by Governor Siegelman, March 29, 2002
D_0254: Picture of Filbens with Governor Siegelman, April 2002
D_0255: Catholic Week article on talk by Holocaust survivor Felicia Fuksman, November 22, 2002
D_0256: Mobile Register article on Zapruder, November 30, 2002
D_0257: Catholic Week article on Zapruder talk, December 13, 2002
D_0258: Calendar of Activities, December 2003 to April 2004
D_0259: Catholic Week article on van Pelt talk, December 19, 2003
D_0260: Catholic Week article on Mason talk, April 2, 2004
D_0261: Announcement of Yom HaShoah, 2004
D_0262: Catholic Week article on Yom HaShoah, April 30, 2004
D_0263: Flyer announcing Evans talk, October 13, 2004
D_0264: Flyer announcing Fowler talk, February 2005
D_0265: Catholic Week article on Bonhoeffer dramatization, April 29, 2005
D_0266: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, May 4, 2005
D_0267: Catholic Week article on Fowler talk, March 11, 2005
D_0268: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, April 24, 2006
D_0269: 2006-2007 Program
D_0270: Catholic Week article on Berry talk, September 22, 2006
D_0271: Flyer announcing "Sr. Rose's Passion," October 2006
D_0272: Mission Statement, approved April 2006
D_0273: Flyer announcing the Pettit talk, January 11, 2007
D_0274: Flyer announcing the Mutchnick talk, February 26, 2007
D_0275: Catholic Week article on Mutchnick talk, March 16, 2007
D_0276: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, March 30, 2007
D_0277: Catholic Week article on Yom HaShoah, May 11, 2007
D_0278: Flyer announcing Fredriksen talk, October 2, 2007
D_0279: Catholic Week article on Switzer talk, October 5, 2007
D_0280: Flyer announcing the Darring-Voit presentation, September 2008
D_0281: Picture of Sr. Anne Brady, Barbara Wind, and Don Berry
D_0282: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, May 1, 2008
D_0283: Flyer announcing Fisher Talk, March 11, 2008
D_0284: Program for the 70th Anniversary Commemoration of Kristallnacht, November 9, 2008
D_0285: Spring 2009 Program
D_0286: Flyer announcing panel discussion on economic crisis, May 14, 2009
D_0287: Calendar of Events, 2009-2010
D_0288: Calendar of Events, 2011
D_0289: Flyer announcing Yom HaShoah, May 1, 2011
D_0290: Flyer announcing one-man play, Shylock, May 12, 2011
D_0291: Flyer announcing Darring talk, May 26, 2011
D_0292: Darring talk, "Holocaust Flashpoints in Christian-Jewish Dialogue," May 26, 2011